Back in September I was invited by a friend to attend an event put on by the Culinary Breeders Network. I didn't know much about it but the name piqued my interest and I got a kick out of joking to...
Harvest Time
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Miroco Michiko
Even on my little city lot, I'm starting to recognize the rhythms of gardening. In the Spring I feel like an athlete and become single-minded about gardening--all I want to do is...
End of Season Sales for Garden Lovers
Friday, September 18, 2015

I get the biggest thrill out of getting a huge bargain. Come Spring I will be sipping some elderflower cordial on my Teak Deck Lounger, big grin on my face, and shaking my head at all the suckers...
The Most Delicious Tomato in the World
Monday, August 31, 2015

I've been waiting with bated breath to taste the first ripe tomatoes from my Indigo Dragon's Eye tomato plant. Would it be The Most Delicious Tomato in the World as I had suspected last year? I needed...
A Plant Named George
Monday, August 24, 2015

A Springtime (imaginary) tea party in Sky Meadows, Washington.
My Dad died in April. Having never lived together since I was a baby, the past decade we shared a duplex, my husband and I upstairs, and...
Grow Haiti Plant Collection
Friday, April 24, 2015

Did you know you could grow peanuts and hibiscus and okra in the Pacific
Northwest? I like to think of it as zonal denial for the veggie patch.
Last Summer my vegetable garden was more exciting...
Top (weirdo) Trees (or bushes pretending to be trees) for Small (and tiny) Gardens
Friday, July 11, 2014

It seems like there a lot of these "Best Trees for Small Gardens" lists but I have two problems with them:
1. They are so ho-hum. I do love a well-placed Japanese Maple but there are so many other cool...