Community Garden Update

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back in May I wrote about my excitement for my new community garden plot and my fantasies to live the life of Alys Fowler. And then I forgot to mention it ever again, even though a LOT has been happening.

Initially I was regretful that my plot was in a new garden which felt sterile and lacking in character, unlike the wild, rambling established gardens around the city, but I'm over it. Our garden is bursting with character and every time I'm there, somebody walks by and stops to chat and tell me how much they love the new addition to the neighborhood and park.

In May we had a work party to spread gravel paths and build two raised garden beds. It was hard. I wore overalls and felt like a badass afterwards (a very sore badass).

Our planting began in mid June. I decided to focus on sun-lovers that I can't grow as well at home. I dreamed of canning my own tomatoes and saving $5.00 a week on Pomi. I also planted peppers including peperoncinis for pickling, Mexican sour gherkins, flowers, delicata squash, and tromboncino squash (more on that later). I toasted my new garden with a watermelon popsicle.

It was a lot of fun to wander around inspecting the other plots to see what people were growing. My fellow gardeners range from very experienced, to first timers. Some people are like me and have a garden at home but not enough room or sun to grow what they want, and some people live in apartments without any growing space. I love seeing how resourceful people get as with this cute use of bicycle wheels used as a pea trellis.

It is now the first week of August and we just experienced our first day over 100 degrees in three years. Those raised beds that we built now look like this...

And my once tame looking little corner has turned into this jungle...


  1. wonderful! so exciting to see the sun do it's magic- good job Bria, i am waiting for some yummy canned something or other ;)

  2. Yeah, that sun has powerful magic! I will save you a jar of tromboncino peperoncino, tomato medley! Hey, that actually sounds kinda good.

  3. There's no way a site can remain sterile looking for long, once plants become part of the equation. Thanks for the tour from stark to sumptuous in one short season.

  4. Ricki, it's a good point--even things I DIDN'T plant seem to appear! I imagine I'll need a machete just to be able to get in and harvest everything next month.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Having a community garden is a really great idea! All the plants that you’ve planted are now in full bloom! Everything looks so healthy! I hope that other communities adopt this concept too.

    Katy Eagles

  7. I love your site!!!! The tire trellis is inspiring! Bren

  8. The beds pictured above are just plain beautiful.....I could just sit and look at that beautiful soil all day! Great site, I will follow you.......


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