The Dog Days

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday! It looks like it's going to be another warm weekend here in Portland. I'm going to hear a lecture this evening by a Cuban preservationist and professor. I'm excited--I hope there will be lots of photos of cool Cuban succulents and such.

My interest in gardening is at a low when it's this hot (Mugsy above, agrees these days are best for naps under the bamboo). I am, however, very excited about harvests. I have new potatoes with more on the way. 

And every day brings new tomatoes. This year my first tomato was Sungold on July 14th, closely followed by this Principe Borghese. 

I plan on hanging out here this weekend, drinking something cold and tasty, and listening to some old Cuban music to keep the theme going...

I might crack open this book which I have been saving for these dog days of Summer...

How about you? These last weekends of Summer feel so precious--how are you planning to spend your time?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That Mugsy is a doll, and your patio looks like a lovely place to spend a few hours!

    Hope you enjoy the lecture, unfortunately I can't make it this time.

  3. He's pretty cute and he's obsessed with the bamboo--he sticks his head in there and goes into a kind of trance. I'm wondering if he's part panda.

    As it turns out my niece is here for a rare visit so I'm going to miss the lecture too. Too bad--it sounded so fascinating.

  4. The mornings have been cool, but yesterday I was deep into a project and just kept going. Heatstroke was just one more wheelbarrow load away.

  5. Ricki, you should do like me and put that wheelbarrow away until October;-) Hope your hard labor is over for a while anyway.

  6. The color of your garden clogs matches some of the potatos in your harvest picture! Cute! These last couple of weeks I'll be spending time watering pots and savoring the last big burst of the garden's summer opulence. Then, it's back to school and what Val Easton called the garden's inexorable slide into autumn. Summer needs to last a few months longer!

  7. Outlawgardener I bet your garden is like mine though in that it looks like the tropics up until Halloween. I love walking around my neighborhood and seeing mums and Autumn leaves and then getting back home to be greeted by lush green folliage.

  8. I feel like Mugsy time to hang in the garden and enjoy the last ray's of Summer sun.

    But I am spending a lot of time attached to the hose. I have come too far to watch my flowers fry. This winter I am going to investigate a drip system so next August I can flip a switch and sit in the garden and dream like Mugsy.


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